12 Games That Made Us Gamers (And Still Feel Like Home)

Made us Gamers Feature

It’s important to respect the classics, the games that made us fall in love with gaming.

We stayed up all night playing these games until our parents made us go to bed. Now, as adults, we’re still staying up all night on the weekend, getting lost in these virtual worlds.

Whether they’re modern-day gems or timeless classics, these games made us fall in love with gaming.


NES Tetris
Image Credit: Nintendo.

It’s remarkable how much staying power Tetris has.

Even with subsequent modern-day releases, the formula remains the same. I still enjoy playing the original, but the hectic nature of Tetris 99 is a blast. Who knew that Tetris would make for a great Battle Royale?!


Image Credit: Microsoft Game Studios.

It’s impressive how well the original Fable has aged, considering it was a game that couldn’t deliver on its hefty promises.

While it never quite met its ambitious plans, Fable is still a fantastic action RPG in which the world and your appearance change based on your actions. The sequel certainly did it better, but it doesn’t have the same magic as the original.


Image Credit: 2K.

At the time of its release, there wasn’t an FPS experience like BioShock.

While it doesn’t offer a deep experience compared to System Shock, its gameplay is an absolute blast, and its story remains iconic.

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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft
Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment.

A game so timeless that people are still playing the original, classic version over 20 years later.

Blizzard‘s MMORPG is a game like no other that fans continue to get lost in. Yes, the modern-day retail experience is still enjoyable, but nothing beats joining 39 of your closest friends and adventuring through Molten Core.

That, or you and your newfound friends getting lost in the world of Azeroth.

Super Mario World

Super Mario World
Image Credit: Nintendo.

You knew a Mario game would appear on our list of timeless classics that got us hooked on gaming; we’re going with Super Mario World for one big reason: it improves on the success of the NES games.

Super Mario World is bigger, bolder, and just as fun. It holds up extremely well today and is well worth booting up on a weekend to take a trip down memory lane.

Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo Combat Evolved
Image Credit: Xbox Game Studios.

I won’t argue the importance of Half-Life in the FPS genre; it’s an iconic game for a reason. I’ll give Valve some flowers later on. Instead, I want to talk about how big Halo: Combat Evolved was for the FPS genre.

While GoldenEye 007 proved the console FPS can be successful, Halo improves on the control scheme while delivering one of the most memorable campaigns in any video game.


Image Credit: Valve.

It’s time to give Valve those much-deserved flowers.

Portal is a perfect video game, knowing how not to overstay its welcome while offering non-stop fun thanks to clever gameplay and witty writing.

Its short playtime means it’s super easy to go back and play it again and again.

RollerCoaster Tycoon

Rollercoaster Tycoon
Image Credit: Atari Interactive.

The Valentine household has an unofficial tradition: every year, my wife or I boot up RollerCoaster Tycoon and play through its campaigns.

This isn’t something we plan or schedule; it just happens naturally. We boot the game up, hum along with the music, and build the amusement parks of our dreams.

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger
Image Credit: Square.

There are countless timeless JRPGs that many still enjoy, from modern-day hits like Persona 5 to several Final Fantasy games, most notably IV, VI, and VII.

Chrono Trigger laps them all, though. The game is so remarkably ahead of its time that it still holds up well today, standing toe-to-toe with some of today’s most innovative games.

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Jak and Daxter
Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment.

For me, this is the game that put Naughty Dog on the map.

It’s a 3D platformer that feels bigger and better than what Nintendo offered at the time. It wasn’t just about a gameplay experience but also delivered a compelling narrative that set up a trilogy released throughout the PlayStation 2’s lifetime.

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

Elder Scrolls Morrowind
Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks.

While Oblivion is my favorite Elder Scrolls game, and Skyrim is the most popular in the franchise, Morrowind will always hold a special place in the hearts of many.

Just as Grand Theft Auto did for the action genre, Morrowind brings RPGs into the 3D open world, opening up countless new possibilities for video games. Even today, it’s easy to get lost in the world of Morrowind and discover new secrets.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Image Credit: Rockstar Games.

Speaking of Grand Theft Auto, you knew this would appear on the list.

As revolutionary as Grand Theft Auto III was, the game hasn’t aged well. Vice City remains a blast today, but it’s my list, and I’m going with one of my favorites.

San Andreas combines an impressive world with an excellent story, all on the PS2 hardware. I have no idea how this game existed, but I’m thankful for it.

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