There’s nothing more irritating than watching a good movie or TV show and having a bad actor stink up the place.
We’ve all been there before. You’re getting into what you’re watching, your interest is piqued, and then someone you hate shows up and ruins everything. You can’t help but change the channel at that point.
While these actors have some fans, we don’t see it.
Gal Gadot

After breaking into the scene with her performance in Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot became one of Hollywood’s most desired A-list actresses.
The more we watch her, the more we don’t get it. It feels like she’s cast in a movie simply because she looks good on the poster.
Rob Schneider

Schneider excels at being Adam Sandler’s friend, and his iconic quotes all come from supporting characters whose job is to spout one-liners.
However, his lack of talent is prominent when he’s given starring roles. It’s best to leave Schneider on the sidelines as a bit player, where he belongs.
Jaden Smith

I don’t know what it says about Jaden Smith that my favorite performance by him is The Pursuit of Happyness, where he’s just a kid.
Despite Hollywood, or rather his father’s best attempts, to make Jaden Smith a thing, it’s not working. His performances are too stiff, and it’s like his parents refused to pass down any of their charisma.
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Russell Brand

Even before he went crazy, I never got it with Russell Brand. I found him far too annoying and actively avoided his movies.
As much as I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I can’t help but cringe every time he’s on screen. It’s like someone tried to clone Ricky Gervais, made him taller and more buff, but also made him infinitely more annoying.
Steven Seagal

There’s a reason why Steven Seagal never fully took off as an action star: he has zero range as an actor.
He’s only good at doing one thing: playing Steven Seagal. Compare that to Arnold, Jean-Claude, and other action stars of the ’80s and ’90s, and it’s no contest.
Mark Wahlberg

Speaking of actors who have no range, let’s talk about Marky Mark.
Honestly, I flip-flopped hard on this one. Wahlberg has one mode: aggressive Boston. It works in The Departed because that’s what the script calls for his character. It even works in The Other Guys because it plays well alongside Will Ferrell. If he’s asked to do literally anything else, though, he fails.
Denise Richards

Despite being given a chance several times over, most notably in The World is Not Enough, Denise Richards has failed virtually every test to show emotion or range as an actress.
Her inability to successfully deliver a line while sounding natural is incredibly grating, yet she kept finding work in the ’90s!
Katherine Heigl

After breaking out following her performance in the early seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, Katherine Heigl was thrust into Hollywood as the next big thing as a leading lady.
Yes, she would see success with Knocked Up, but subsequent movies proved that maybe it was more about the writing and less about her ability as an actress.
Taylor Lautner

His Twilight co-stars, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison, have broken the stigma and proved they’re incredibly talented actors if allowed to shine.
Lautner, however, failed at the task despite being given ample chances to prove he was more than attractive. Lautner hasn’t done much acting since the Twilight series ended.
Dane Cook

After blowing up with a successful stand-up career, Dane Cook seemed poised to be the breakout comedic actor of the 2000s.
Then we saw his movies, the best of which is 2005’s Waiting…, where he has a bit part meant for him to shout out constant one-liners. When given the leading role, he falls flat, just like one of his co-stars.
Jessica Alba

Alba starred alongside Dane Cook in 2007’s Good Luck Chuck and an impressively deep filmography in the 2000s and 2010s.
Unfortunately, while some of her films would see box office success, she couldn’t cement herself as a viable leading lady.

Look, Madonna is an excellent singer and a fantastic performer on stage. There’s no denying that.
With that being said, when you give her a script, she bombs. Sometimes, even the most talented people can’t hack it acting.
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